Audio & Video

From Paradise to Parkinson's and Back

Sound healer and vocal alchemist Judith Lynne shares the story of her journey with PD and how the teachings she received from Hawaiian kahuna and High Chief Hale Makua helped her move from "Suffering with Parkinson's" to "Partnering with Parkinson's". Judith shares how she has successfully applied her self-developed sound healing methods of Vocal Energetics™ and Harmonic Healing™ to her personal healing program. Plus she'll share some simple exercises anyone can easily do in the comfort of their own home.

portland art museum, 2014

Healing the Museum created a platform for sound healer Judith Lynne to address the oppressive historical narratives present within museum collections through participatory healing rituals.

Judith Lynne and her work in sound healing for Parkinson’s patients

Early in 2008, Judith was featured in the Ceze film Vibration for Healing as one of the sound healers who uses the crystal singing bowls. She was filmed sounding with the dolphins in Hawaii. At the time Judith shared her time between Portland, Oregon and her spiritual home in Hawaii, the film was produced in both locations.

The first part of this project consists of a meditation video specifically geared to persons with Parkinson’s Disease. In order to make this meditation available to the PD community in general, it was posted free on a YouTube site specifically created for the project. This video has been graciously funded by the Lyman Fund.

The second part of the project is a full-length DVD which includes a documentary about Judith Lynne, her journey and her work. For the PD community, the producers feel that the most important part of the DVD is its special features. These features include the aforementioned meditation, specific vocal exercises, segments of Judith’s workshop presentations, etc. These are features that the PD community are able to access on a daily basis.

Special Features


Judith Lynne’s Life & Work

Introduction to Toning Meditation

Toning with Crystal Bowls

Parkinson’s Mask Watch Video here

Hula: a great tool for meeting the movement challenges of Parkinson’s Disease